Chambers Board of Education
Chambers Public Schools
Regular Board Meeting Updated Agenda
Monday, January 15, 2018 7:00 p.m.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Welcome To Visitors and Public
- Communication/correspondence from the Public-anyone who wishes to address the Board on issues not included on this agenda will do so at this time.
- Consent Agenda- Items pass unanimously unless a board member requests a separate roll call vote.
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting
- Approval of Claims/Payment of Bills and Payroll
- Financial Report
- Reports
- Superintendent
- Principal
- Board of Education Development
A. NE School Board Sessions
5. New Business
A. Discuss with action to re-organize the board and elect officers for 2018.
B. Appointing of the Americanism and Negotiations Committees.
C. Discussion with action to appoint official agencies for the School District
1) Publisher – Chambers Shopper and Chambers Public School Website
2) Auditor – Severson, Lammers & Abel
3) Attorney – KSB Law
4) Financial Agencies – Chambers State Bank and Ericson State Bank
D. Discussion to adopt 2018-2019 calendar.
E. Discuss with action to approve contracts for 2018-2019
1) Superintendent
2) Principal/AD
3) English Instructor
4) Industrial Tech Instructor contract to semester end.
F. Discussion with action to approve resignation.
G. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to reduce and reorganize the curricular and extra-curricular programs offered by Chambers Public Schools beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.
H. Discuss personnel/teacher negotiations entering executive session if necessary
I. Discussion with action to approve Negotiated Agreement for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
6. Adjournment
Next Meeting: February 19, 2018 at 7:00p.m.
An agenda for the meeting, which shall be kept continually current, is readily available for public inspection at the Superintendent’s office during normal business hours.
Time Limit: The board requests that you limit your comments to 3 minutes or less on any agenda item or topic. No more than 30 minutes of public feedback will be allowed on any certain topic.
General Rules: Please remember that this is a public meeting for the conduct of business or the Board of Education. If you wish to address the Board please sign in on the clip board that will be provide at the meeting.
The Board of Education reserves the legal right to convene in “closed session” for discussion of any and/or all agenda items that may legally be discussed in a closed session R.R.S. 84-1410.